Friday, October 23, 2009

New Glitter Porn Pieces, AND Fun Process Pics!

As simple of a concept as these glitter pieces really can seem, there is conversely, a level of depth to their presence, as well as their depiction. Strangely enough, I found myself spending alot of time in choosing these photos out of porno magazines- not for personal reasons believe it or not, but for finding exactly perfect images. Not perfect in any sort of superficial sense either- I was seeking images in which the female model was displaying not only a sense of control or dominance over the male objects, but also striking eye contact, and an intense expression that evokes a disarming sense of intimacy, lust, and voyeurism when confronting the viewer.
The pieces are done on 4' x4' panels, so the relatively large scale is also confrontational in its essence. Although the content is considerably offensive, and the images are quite 'loaded' with possible meanings- I am trying to use the push/pull of imagery versus material, in the same way that I am trying to illustrate the contrast between natural, intimate, human behaviors; and the silliness of our demoralizing, hypocritical, degradation of these same such images publicly.
Would you think I'm a pervert if I said I thought these images were sexy?
Instinct, curiousity, human nature, and pleasure- all seem to be direct contradictions to societal expectations- these pieces are just an extension of some of those never ending human struggles.
Don't worry mom, I do OTHER things with my art too.
Because of my avid documentation practice, I got a bunch of fun photographs during my working too! I just cant do one damn thing at a time I guesss...

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