A fine hello, and how-do-you-do to all my esteemed colleagues out there, and hell, even you too. I continue with my customary excuse line,
"I've been sooo busy with all these other projects, and yada yada yada...." the thing is though, this time, I'm not lying. I've been cooped up editing a series of documentary's for IN:SITE, a local "temporary public-art" organization here in good 'ol Milwaukee, and though I really am loving it- its beginning to make me a little nutty. If that isn't bad enough, I haven't even had the time to indulge in my usual remedy for imbalance- ART ITSELF!
So in an effort to keep this monkey dancing for y'all, and to mindlessly keep the spotlight on
little old me- I've decided its finally time to start giving you fine people some of the photography work I've been selfishly hoarding for myself on hard-drive, upon hard-drives, upon hard-drives. Seriously though, I have 4 hard drives now, and at least 20,000 photographs that I've been stock piling!
Some are good, most are bad, all are fun. No matter what the outcome though, at the end of the day, I've learned a ton about photography purely through trial and error. So in an effort to keep the blog moving, and to step away from being too "precious" about what I put up, I've made a nifty new little segment called WEEKLY PICS. I am going to put no rules on what I put up, so we'll see what happens. It should also be taken into consideration that I'm trying to make these brief posts, so I'm going to go ahead and shut the hell up now. This way, during my "busier" weeks, I can still give you something new.
Experimental? Documentary? Fine Art? Portrait? Fashion? We'll see what I feel like picking, enjoy!
"Geyorg Rafailidis Warming In the Sun"
(taken from a series of photography, documenting visiting Berlin artists Georg Rafailidis and Stephanie Davidson, installing their heat-sensitive public art project, on the North side of Milwaukee) |
"White Box On Urban Pedestal" |
"Looking Up" |
"Ross Bernard in: a Bar-lit Youth"
(taken from a small, spontaneous, series of portrait studies with long time friend, Ross) |
"Ross Bernard in: Who Told You You Could Eat MY Cookies?!" |
"Ross Bernard in: Tell Me Judith, Who the Hell is Stan?!" |
"Ross Bernard in: Some Help From the Good Angel" |
"Byron's Kicks: Off the Hook!" |
(taken from the "Studies in Light and Motion" series)
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