Saturday, December 3, 2011

STATEMENT: New Direction For My Happy Little Art Blog

   So as my vegabond study of the country, and relentless efforts to write a book detailing the accounts therein have been ALL TOO CONSUMING- my wonderful little art blog here has taken a beating for several reasons. Though I haven't had the luxury of a studio life since graduating, art has never even remotely taken a break in my life, it has just shifted accordingly to whatever circumstances I happen to be in during that particular month. Seeing as my focus within art is a somewhat of a "non-focus" in terms of discipline, this seems entirely appropriate. So why should my happy little corner of the net here be put to rest so easily? Well, the truth is, I've often been entirely too busy with life to post. My first blogging rule, is that since I am using it as a platform for my art, I can NOT make the mistake of ever putting the blog before my time to work. I generally never have the urge to do so anyhow, so this isn't a problem. What that does mean however, is that when I'm traveling or working 40, 50, plus hours a week, I'm still getting my art done somewhere in there, but there is not much room to deposit that work here onto the blog. So I've decided I'm going to make things a little easier on myself, by re-claiming the art blog with a new direction. A re-envisioned purpose if you will.
     When I resentfully began blogging toward the end of college, I was determined to use the blog as basically a free website to showcase my work, and present thoughtful process writing and documentation along with it. My posts took forever to create, and though they entailed spending a significant amount of time and effort, I was happy that I could appeal to what I considered a higher literary type of format. Well, sadly folks, that was then, this is now. 
     I will still compellingly struggle with over-written, intricate posts that take entirely too much time and effort on my part, but not as much here on the art blog. The fun, flowery, mess of writings are now mostly going to take place on my other blog, "THE LAST GREAT american JOURNEY," which is a smarter move anyhow, as the emphasis of that blog is much more about literature.
So what will become of the art blog here? Well, I'm going to try and use the art blog here, as kind of a directory toward my various projects whether they exist at TLGaJ blog, Youtube, or right here. Basically, what I'm saying, is this blog will become kind of like a regular blog, where I post pictures of work, short descriptions, links to said projects, etc. 
     The problem with remaining precious with my postings all the time, is that it has really hindered my ability to simply deliver all the work I've been making, and if the aim of this blog is to put my work out there- then I need to put that goal first and foremost. Though I really look forward to having a studio practice again in the future, my urge to create art in all these crazy places, under all these crazy circumstances, has forced me to really embrace the interdisciplinary approach to art that I have come to know and love. I need to make sure I'm sharing all that with you, so if it entails lazy posting with little to no writing, then that's what I'll do. 
 That being said, hopefully I can get some extra mileage out of using this blog as a depository for the different avenue's that I'm pursuing. 
   Here goes...

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