Friday, October 22, 2010

"Eyes On The Prize," Screened Live At Milwaukee's Firestarter Film Festival

This is a piece I did for the "Firestarter Film Festival" competition, that is difficult to describe. If I HAD to, I would say the piece is mostly about the process of me actually making the movie within the 24 hours of the festival, and more specifically, me humorously playing off of my desire to win the festivals competition prizes.  
The criteria said that the piece needs to be 2 minutes (something which I pretty much failed to do), and that it be about "Snow." Since I started AND finished the piece within the 24 hours before the festival had taken place, the last snowfall in Milwaukee was long gone, and I ended up using "Snow" as merely a reference point for my failing to meet the specified guidelines. The subject matter in it's entirety, began to reference itself in both process, and intent- ALSO, I managed to have some fun razzing the Festivals creators Shawn Monaghan, and Phil Koch- a point which was purely in good fun, and successfully worked as a subversive contrast to how IDIOTICALLY I portray myself in comparison; a humorous allusion to the age old artist vs. curator tension.
In the end, I created a piece that was about a competition that I didn't even rightfully qualify for; the important thing though, is that I had a hell of a time making it, and I somehow found a way to make the success of my piece, be based on the reality of its failure. As an artist and filmmaker, I am always trying to challenge the boundaries of each medium, by using one to aggressively confront the other- something that I think I also found success with in this work
From the beginning to the end (not counting credits, OR the short excerpt AFTER the "End" title) the piece STILL stands about 2 minutes and 35 seconds. What can I say, I just don't know when to quit.
Thanks to Shawn, Phil, and Firestarter Films for giving me a venue to show, an audience to watch, and another excuse to continue creating ridiculously fun works of video art!

You can also view this on YouTube

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